A Fully Managed Distribution Solution

Gain a comprehensive solution designed to optimize your procurement processes, enhance financial management, and improve operational efficiency.


Centralized Purchasing

240L facilitates direct partnerships with reputable brands to secure high-quality products, while leveraging bulk pricing. Upon receiving these products at our warehouses, we seamlessly integrate them into our inventory and POS system, ensuring they are 'POS-ready' upon arrival at your store. 

This streamlined process not only saves you time and effort but also eliminates the need for inventory management or POS setup on your end. By coordinating delivery and preparing products for immediate sale, we enable businesses to focus entirely on growth while benefiting from increased working capital upfront.

Graphic illustrating the current state of cannabis logistics and the optimization achieved through centralized purchasing.

The Cannabis Supply Chain

Current State

The cannabis supply chain today is marked by fragmentation and inefficiency. Retailers often face multiple deliveries each day, while brands navigate inefficient routes with minimal insights or transparency. This results in suboptimal fleet management, inadequate transportation and logistics visibility, and disorganized inventory management. As a result, the industry bears the cost of these inefficiencies in both time and money.

The Future

At 240 Logistics, we are transforming the cannabis supply chain by applying proven practices from mainstream freight and logistics. Our Centralized Buying Program addresses existing inefficiencies by implementing a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) system. This system empowers both brands and retailers to leverage data for more informed decision-making. By consolidating deliveries, we reduce the number of trucks and drivers needed, resulting in significant time and cost savings for all parties involved. Our approach creates a streamlined, efficient supply chain that benefits everyone in the ecosystem.


Our Process

Graphic outlining the Centralized Buying process

240 Logistics Sources Products from the Brand

240 Logistics sources and picks up products directly from the brands, leveraging bulk pricing for the retailers, and paying the brands cash on delivery.

Inventory & POS Integration

One the items have been picked up, we bring them to our warehouse to be inputted into your POS and inventory systems. This preparation ensures that items are ready for immediate placement on your shelves.

Coordinated Delivery
to Retailers

Our team coordinates with the retailer to schedule a delivery time that is most convenient for them.

Immediate Shelf Placement

Upon delivery, the retail team can place products directly on the shelves as they have already been entered into the POS and any state mandated platforms. This enables quick sales activation, and reduces lag times.


  • Focus on what's important to your business while 240 Logistics handles intake, product pickups, and POS processing.

  • Receive 1-2 consolidated deliveries per month containing all of the wholesale products needed for 30 days, streamlining your receiving process.

  • Simplify vendor management with extended credit terms, organizing brands and products into a single, easy-to-manage invoice.

  • Process a singular, streamlined invoice, reducing the complexity and time spent on managing multiple vendor payments.

  • Rely on our experts for accurate and efficient inventory processes, eliminating the need for in-house training or relying on inexperienced staff.

  • Leverage our volume to negotiate better bulk deals and discounts. Through our gainshare model, retailers gain value without incurring extra costs.

  • Reduce excess inventory in weak-selling products through detailed SKU-level analysis, ensuring optimal stock levels.

  • Benefit from cash advance opportunities to suppliers, creating additional spread opportunities for your business.

  • Reduce product issues related to packaging and transit with our hands-on logistics expertise.

  • Streamline your billing process by eliminating the need to process payments to numerous individual vendors, enhancing your financial efficiency.

Pharmer’s Market

Pharmer's Market is a leading wholesale partner for Oregon retailers and brands, redefining cannabis logistics and optimizing the supply chain since 2016.

Pharmer's Market van

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