Harness the Power of Data Analytics with FlyWheel


FlyWheel is 240 Logistics proprietary technology designed to provide transparency throughout the cannabis supply chain and to drive inventory management efficiencies.

FlyWheel streamlines the cannabis supply chain with real-time insights through easy-to-understand dashboards and reports. Seamlessly integrated with software like Metrc, Dutchie, Treez, Flourish, QuickBooks, and Salesforce, FlyWheel provides the visibility and insights needed for informed decision-making and timely support.

Why FlyWheel

  • FlyWheel transforms your sales data into actionable insights, empowering you to make informed decisions. With real-time analytics, you can monitor performance, identify trends, and adapt strategies on the fly, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition.

  • Say goodbye to stockouts and overstock. FlyWheel's advanced inventory optimization tools help you maintain the perfect inventory levels, reducing waste and maximizing profitability. By predicting demand accurately, you can leverage an inventory management strategy that drives profitability for your unique business.

  • FlyWheel's predictive analytics provide a crystal ball for your sales strategy. Anticipate market demands, plan promotions, and align your production schedules with future sales trends. This foresight allows you to capitalize on opportunities before your competitors do.

  • Every business is unique, and FlyWheel recognizes that. With fully customizable reporting options, you can generate detailed reports that cater specifically to your business needs. This personalized approach helps you focus on what matters most to your growth and success.

  • FlyWheel is designed to integrate effortlessly with your current POS and inventory management systems. This compatibility ensures a smooth transition and minimal disruption to your operations. Plus, with full API access and dedicated support, you can customize FlyWheel to fit perfectly within your business ecosystem.

FlyWheel Features

Glimpse into FlyWheel Reports


  • FlyWheel's ABC Analysis categorizes products based on their revenue contribution. The top 80% of inventory (A), the next 15% (B), and the bottom 5% (C) are identified, providing insights into high-demand, slow-moving, and non-performing products. Use this information to make informed decisions about promotions and inventory bundling.

  • Understand your market better with the Best Sellers in Proximity Report. This feature provides a detailed analysis of your sales performance within a 10-mile radius over the last 30 days, allowing you to compare your sales with local competitors and identify growth opportunities.

  • Monitor your store's daily financial health with FlyWheel's Daily Revenue Insights Report. This report offers data on average daily receipt totals, helping retailers track sales trends, optimize inventory management, and drive revenue growth.

  • FlyWheel's Days of Items Remaining Report categorizes your inventory into Good, Low, and Critical stock levels. This feature ensures you maintain optimal inventory to meet customer demand and minimize missed sales opportunities.

  • Get a complete overview of your inventory operations with FlyWheel's Inventory Report. Access metrics such as item name, category, distributor, quantity on hand, sell-through rate, run-out time, sales revenue, par level, and stock levels. This comprehensive dashboard enables efficient inventory management.

  • Maintain optimal inventory levels with FlyWheel's Reorder Report. This feature provides detailed metrics such as item name, category, distributor, quantity on hand, sell-through rate, run-out time, sales revenue, par level, and stock levels, ensuring you never run out of essential products.

  • FlyWheel's Sales Performance Analysis Report dissects sales data at daily, monthly, or quarterly intervals. Gain insights into brand performance, uncover hidden opportunities, and fine-tune product offerings to drive sustained business success.

  • Optimize inventory management with FlyWheel's Sell-Through Analysis Reports. By analyzing sell-through times, retailers can ensure they are always stocked with top-selling products, maximizing profitability and meeting customer demand.

Sneak peek at FlyWheel Dashboards


  • Stay ahead of the curve with FlyWheel's Events Nearby Dashboard. Retailers receive alerts for events happening within a 60-mile radius, 90 days in advance. Access crucial information such as predicted attendance and historical sales data from previous events. This empowers retailers to understand the clientele better and tailor their product offerings to meet demand effectively.

    Additionally, the dashboard allows you to strategically plan your inventory and staffing, ensuring that you have the right products in stock and the necessary staff on hand to handle increased customer traffic during event periods.

  • FlyWheel's Weekly Performance Dashboard offers a comprehensive look into your store's performance by comparing the past week's data with the current week's statistics. It categorizes performance by product types, enabling you to track sales and customer traffic trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize business strategies.

  • Keep track of your financial obligations with FlyWheel's Payables feature. Manage and monitor all your outstanding payments, ensuring that your financial commitments are met on time, and maintain a healthy cash flow.

  • FlyWheel simplifies subscription management, allowing retailers to handle recurring orders effortlessly. This feature ensures that customers receive their favorite products consistently, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Leverage FlyWheel's Suggested Purchase Orders to optimize your inventory management. This feature analyzes your sales data and inventory levels to recommend purchase orders, helping you maintain the right stock levels and avoid overstock or stockouts.

  • FlyWheel's Purchase Orders Report Dashboard provides visibility into all outstanding orders. This single dashboard helps you stay on top of your purchase orders, ensuring timely payments and efficient inventory replenishment.

"FlyWheel is a secret weapon for retailers and manufacturers, utilizing real time data to drive demand insights that result in maximum efficiencies & optimization"

— Brian Harlan, VP of Sales

Cannabis flower plant
Man holding pot leaf into the sunset

Solutions for Everyone

  • By providing comprehensive insights into the product lifecycle, FlyWheel helps managers streamline inventory analysis for increased profitability and enhanced customer satisfaction. The proactive management capabilities of FlyWheel ensure that inventory levels are always optimized, minimizing stockouts and overstock situations, and thereby improving the overall customer experience.

    Helpful Features:

    • Sell-Through Analysis Dashboard

    • ABC Analysis

    • Best Sellers in Proximity Report

  • With a user-friendly dashboard, FlyWheel makes it easy to interpret performance data, visualize trends, and generate customizable reports. The integration of these features simplifies sales data analysis, offering actionable insights that drive informed decision-making and operational efficiency. FlyWheel's comprehensive suite of tools ensures that dispensary owners can stay ahead of the competition and meet customer demands with precision.

    Helpful Features:

    • Sell-Through Analysis Dashboard

    • Sales Performance Analyses

    • Daily Revenue Insights Dashboard

  • FlyWheel empowers Store Managers and General Managers by streamlining inventory management processes, providing data-driven insights for informed decision-making, and simplifying complex data navigation through intuitive dashboards and reports. With FlyWheel, managers can ensure their stores operate efficiently, maintain optimal inventory levels, and respond quickly to market changes.

    Helpful Features:

    • Store Performance Dashboard

    • Upcoming Events Dashboard

    • Daily Revenue Insights Report

  • FlyWheel revolutionizes the role of Cannabis Buyers by providing tools and insights that streamline inventory processes, enhance decision-making, and allow you to focus on core business priorities. With FlyWheel, buyers can efficiently manage inventory, stay ahead of market trends, and ensure optimal product availability, all while saving valuable time.

    Helpful Features

    • Upcoming Events Dashboard

    • Purchase Order Suggestions

    • Days of Items Remaining Report

  • With challenges such as market saturation, limited shelf space, inventory management, distribution complexities, and a lack of detailed sales data, brands need robust solutions to stay ahead. FlyWheel addresses these needs through advanced inventory management, market insights, streamlined distribution, and seamless technology integration.

    Useful Features

    • Days of Items Remaining Report

    • Daily Revenue Insights Report

    • Weekly Performance Dashboard

Protecting Your Data.

    • We are responsible for protecting these data stewardship principles, which align with 240L company vision, mission and values, especially Integrity

    • Our customers’ and partners’ data privacy is extremely important to us

    • We believe in supply chain visibility and transparency to protect all those involved

  • We will not sell, publish or share data entrusted to us that identifies a customer or person without explicit permission.

    • We will be transparent about how we intend to use data.

    • We will use data responsibly to guide our business professionally.

    • We will use data to help our customers succeed by increasing profitability and reducing costs, streamlining productivity and adhering to regulatory compliance.

    • We will ensure our employees understand how to keep data safe and secure by fostering an environment of continuous learning

    • We will stay up to date with current best practices on data privacy and security