Key Inventory Management Metrics to Optimize Dispensary Inventory for Croptober

Croptober, the harvest season when outdoor cannabis cultivators bring in their crops, is a critical time for dispensary owners. The influx of fresh products can create opportunities but also pose challenges in managing inventory. To make the most of this season, cannabis retailers need to focus on optimizing their inventory with data-driven insights. This guide explores key metrics you should track using FlyWheel and how understanding these metrics can help you make better inventory management decisions. 

Key Metrics to Track and Their Importance 

Sell-Through Rate 

Why It Matters: During Croptober, when you’re purchasing in bulk, understanding which products consistently sell well in your store is critical. The sell-through rate measures the percentage of inventory sold over a specific period, helping you identify high-demand items versus those that might sit on shelves. 

How FlyWheel Helps: FlyWheel provides real-time sell-through rate, allowing you to make informed purchasing decisions during Croptober. By focusing on products with a proven sales history in your store, you can maximize turnover and minimize the risk of being stuck with unsellable inventory.

Days of Products Remaining 

Why It Matters: This metric tells you how long your current stock will last, based on average sales velocity. In Croptober, when your inventory levels surge, knowing how long your products will remain viable is crucial. Overstocking can lead to products sitting too long, resulting in diminished quality and eventual expiration. 

How FlyWheel Helps: FlyWheel’s Days of Product Remaining report gives you a clear view of how long your inventory will last, thanks to real-time data pulled directly from your POS system, enabling you to pace your Croptober purchases according to expected demand. This ensures that you’re stocking enough to meet customer needs without overloading your storage with products that could lose their potency or appeal. 

ABC Analysis 

Why It Matters: Not all products contribute equally to your bottom line. ABC analysis categorizes inventory into three classes: Class A items (high-value), Class B items (moderate value), and Class C (low-value). This classification helps you prioritize which products to focus on during Croptober. 

How FlyWheel Helps: FlyWheel’s ABC Analysis feature automatically categorizes your inventory, highlighting which products are essential to stock up on during Croptober. By prioritizing high-value items, you ensure that your purchases align with products that consistently drive sales and profits throughout the year. 

Stock Aging Report 

Why It Matters: Cannabis products have a shelf life, and with the large purchases made during Croptober, it’s easy to accumulate stock that may not sell before it starts to degrade. The Stock Aging report shows you how long each product has been in your inventory, helping you avoid overstocking items that might not sell quickly. 

How FlyWheel Helps: FlyWheel’s Stock Aging Report allows you to monitor the age of your inventory closely. By identifying and moving older stock first, you make room for new Croptober purchases, ensuring that your shelves are filled with fresh, high-quality products that meet customer demand. 

Discount Report 

Why It Matters: Discounts can be an effective strategy to clear out aging or overstocked inventory, especially during and after Croptober when you may need to make room for fresh products. However, poorly managed discounts can eat into your earnings. 

How FlyWheel Helps: FlyWheel’s Discount Report tracks the performance of your discount strategies, helping you understand their impact on sales. This allows you to apply discounts strategically, ensuring that you’re clearing out inventory efficiently without sacrificing profitability. 

Making Better Inventory Management Decisions During Croptober 

By tracking these key metrics, cannabis retailers can optimize their inventory management during Crotpober, ensuring that they purchase products that align with customer preferences while avoiding overstocking items that may not sell. 

  • Strategic Purchasing: Use FlyWheel’s Sell-Through Rate and Days of Products Remaining reports to make informed Croptober purchasing decisions that reflect customer demand. 

  • Prioritize High-Value Items: Focus on stocking Class A products identified through FlyWheel’s ABC Analysis, ensuring that your Croptober investments drive sales throughout the year. 

  • Manage Aging Inventory: Regularly review FlyWheel’s Stock Aging Report to clear out older inventory and make space for fresh Croptober products. 

  • Maximize Profits: Leverage FlyWheel’s Discount Report to apply discounts strategically, balancing inventory turnover with profitability. 

Croptober is a time of both opportunity and risk. With FlyWheel’s powerful inventory management tools, you can ensure that your dispensary capitalizes on the season’s benefits while avoiding common pitfalls like overstocking and product expiration.

Ready to get started? Reach out to us today 


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