Streamline Your Cannabis Retail Operations with Centralized Buying: A Game-Changer for Brands

Welcome to 240L's Centralized Buying Program—your gateway to seamless partnerships with renowned cannabis brands, optimized for efficiency and growth. As a cannabis retailer, navigating the market landscape can be complex. However, with our program, you can unlock a myriad of benefits and focus on what matters most—your business.

Program Overview

Our Centralized Buying program is designed to forge direct alliances with reputable brands, ensuring access to top-tier products at bulk pricing. By taking charge of delivery coordination and product preparation, we empower you to dedicate your efforts to business expansion while enjoying increased working capital upfront. Here's what our program aims to accomplish:

  • Enhanced Time Management and Cost Savings

  • Maximized Capital Support and Financial Flexibility

  • Optimized Supply Chain Efficiency and Vendor Management

  • Improved Data-Driven Decision-Making and Market Penetration

  • Ensured Regulatory Compliance and Product Quality


1. Removal of Logistics Costs

Say goodbye to the headaches of managing a delivery fleet. Our program eliminates expenses associated with insurance, maintenance, drive pay, and more, freeing up resources for strategic initiatives.

2. Alleviated Sales & Marketing Cost

We offer flexibility to trim sales commissions, redirecting funds to support your team based on account needs. This approach slashes sales and marketing expenses while safeguarding revenue integrity.

3. Prevent Stock-Outs with Volume-Based Contracts

Leveraging FlyWheel data, we accurately forecast monthly store demands, establish volume-based contracts to avert stock-outs, and ensure prompt product deliveries. Cash-on-delivery transactions bolster cash flow, empowering reinvestment in growth endeavors.

4. Streamline Operations and Reduce Resource Drain

Streamlining cash pickups, circular visits, and wellness checks liberates your sales team to concentrate on revenue-generating activities like pop-events and budtender education. This shift drives sales, enhances customer satisfaction, and boosts employee retention.

5. Tailored Data Insights

Our technology furnishes companies with strategic insights tailored to their unique business objectives, steering away from reliance on generic industry data that may not align with their specific market dynamics.

6. Continuous Innovation

In the ever-evolving cannabis landscape, FlyWheel transcends conventional offerings, delivering indispensable functionalities and innovative solutions to bridge existing data gaps.


Q: "Our sales team is pivotal to our success. Won't removing them impact our business?"
A: Your sales team remains indispensable. With FlyWheel's comprehensive inventory visibility and analytics, they can conduct purposeful calls, enrich customer interactions, and elevate brand awareness, directly driving sales at the store level.

Q: "We value direct relationships with our stores. Will this program disrupt that?"
A: FlyWheel's technology enriches these relationships. Our platform furnishes insights such as full store inventory visibility, empowering your sales team to foster informed and meaningful connections while bolstering direct relationships.

Q: "We prefer maintaining control over store competition. How does this program align with that?"
A: FlyWheel complements your sales endeavors by providing invaluable insights and tools without usurping your control. We honor your sales decisions, offering transparency and real-time data to refine strategies, uphold brand visibility, and navigate market competition adeptly.

240L's Centralized Buying Program isn't just about procurement – it's about revolutionizing your retail operations, empowering growth, and fostering enduring success in the dynamic cannabis industry. Join us on this journey towards efficiency, profitability, and innovation.


Maximize Efficiency and Boost Profits with Centralized Buying Program for Cannabis Retailers


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